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Comments (4)

Darracott - 18 July 20:57

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Alleen - 22 March 22:47

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Lesbi, Massage relaxant.

Palma - 6 November 12:42

What song is this

Michals - 10 December 20:28

That clear vaginal speculum you have is really pretty! It's not as scary looking as the metal vaginal speculum that I have only ever known. I guess it's probably because metal instruments are easier to autoclave?

Wiley - 11 March 10:52

I'm confused mam, is your name Lindsey or Doe? If I've called you an incorrect name, I apologize. Now. I must admit that listening to and watching you moan was turning me on! I don't know what it is about vocal women in the bedroom but their much more fun than those that try to hide their enjoyment. My girlfriend hardly makes a sound until right before she is ready to orgasm. Then she gets LOUD! I love it!

Romelia - 17 October 02:57

does anyone know her name?

Jack - 9 April 07:06

Lol y was this fucking recommend to me.i have a gf

Metchikoff - 1 October 16:24

nice one