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Comments (8)

Dubach - 14 May 14:32

Souhaiter heureux passer horloge entoure delicieux beaute. Je suis toujours prete a aider detendre.

Stan - 9 April 03:13

Les attitudes et comportements sexuels dans la Rome antique sont visibles dans l' art romain , la littérature , les inscriptions et dans une moindre mesure dans les restes archéologiques comme les artefacts érotiques ou l' architecture. Dans l'imagination et la culture populaire, c'est synonyme de licence et d'abus sexuels [ 2 ].

Bong - 22 January 11:57

I am a bottom bimale and submissive what is the best way to anal training and get to really big sizes?

Eversmann - 2 March 11:19

WOW need some help ladies?

Medak - 28 September 02:31

want to suck it. love it

Teodoro - 27 September 14:30

Drink lots of water, take an aspirin, relax, use a condom, go easy (the anus is *very delicate and can tear much more easily than a vagina can and use lots of water-based lube! The anus does not lubricate itself. Also, do not stick a penis in for the first time, use an anal toy first. And *never ever, ever, ever! Go from anus straight into the vagina. If you want to do that: change condoms, wash the penis/toy put a new, clean condom on, then go into the vagina.