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Comments (3)

Nestor - 15 June 16:09

Reve vous toi dans son air lit, moi tres ennuyeux quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Hazel - 26 July 22:14

Temps de lecture 10 min. Et quand bien même nous ne soyons pas de ce cas extrême, les conditions sociales de tous ceux qui les produisent loin de chez nous demeurent épouvantables à nos yeux [ 1 ].

Wilburn - 22 July 19:32

Deepak, Get a life dude!

Harley - 20 June 02:55

Doc. I SO SO SO, sorry that you are having to deal with such Aholes. you provide such a great service for kids and adults and also entertainment. Stay strong, stay focused and please whatever you do stay safe. I don't understand why some people do or have to do ignorant stuff like that to other people. I could only imagine the stress you were under. There's more of us then there is of him. Please take care.

Tolman - 22 August 20:02

Нет слов... чрезвычайно сексапильно. Такое поведение завлекает и потряхивает. умница. Побольше бы таковых людей.

Mcglocklin - 11 February 02:16

I love it when I see others checking me out. I have been lucky to have had a chance to enjoy the feeling of others than my husband satisfying their and my needs

Perrodin - 28 May 03:37

why is an attractive, mature lady always called a slut when she likes sex, like a guy?So what does that make the guy?